Dear artist, We need to know if we can adopt you in our circus. Show us your true nature and discover what’s your contribution to the audience. 1. Why did you get kicked out of the circus, called human society?*A.I’m too smart for them.B.They didn’t appreciate my statue of Trump made of horse manure.C.My reptilian conspiracy theory got banned.D.I seduced Koning Willem Alexander as a secret agent.E.My superpowers scared them. 2. Why do you belong to our circus?*A.I have a very rare strange gift.B.When I snap my fingers there’s magic in the air.C.I have these smooth moves that people can’t take their eyes off.D.Let me kick and whip some asses.E.You want a dead party, or what? 3. What would be the first rule of your circus?*A.Let your perceptions be interpretations of an undoubtable reality.B.Disobedient children will be sold to the circus.C.Dare to be different, when did the normal surprise you?D.This is your world of joy, play freely and smile.E.Lets paint this canvas with grace and beauty. 4. What would you wear on NYE?*A.Something sexy.B.Something strange.C.Something crazy.D.Classy eveningwear with a naughty touch, maybe leather or latex.D.In disguise with a little surprise. Leave your stage name, email and phone number:Stage name*E-mailadres* Phone*CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms.